Let us show you around Pindito’s gigantic playground, made up of hundreds (if not thousands!) of dive sites. Edi is one of the real pioneers of Raja Ampat, having not only discovered numerous sites but also must hold some kind of record for the highest amount of dives around here. And still counting!
Raja Ampat, which means “4 Kings” lies in the Coral Triangle. The four main islands are Misool, Salawati, Batanta and Waigeo. This expanse of 40,000 square kilometers of marine territory and pristine reefs make these waters a diving haven second to none. Reputed to be the most biodiverse marine habitat on Earth, Raja Ampat is home to many species not found anywhere else. Spectacular, is a word often used to describe this region and is irresistible to divers.
Imagine descending into the big blue, encountering a rainbow of colors in the vibrant, thriving reefs. Then the marine life comes alive, as if they know how special they are and want to share their secret. Schools of fusiliers and jacks duck and sway in the currents, bump head parrot fish chomp away on the corals, shy Denise’s pygmy seahorses hide among gorgonian coral, frogfish try to keep themselves expertly camouflaged and white/black/grey tip reef sharks patrol effortlessly through the sea. Majestic mantas, rare wobbegong and epaulette sharks (walking shark) guarantee plenty of variety, schools of big-eyed trevally and barracudas, they put on a spectacular show.
Pindito never has a set itinerary. We plan our trips and water activities based on weather, tides and currents. From our expertise and experience, we know the ideal sea conditions for all the best and famous sites and when to dive them. And we of course have the not so famous, and even secret, equally spectacular sites that only a few of us know about.